

1.英语小故事 一定要短






英语小故事 一定要短

       小故事 短文

       1、an ear

       Jan earust after class,a teacher asked to a student"Boy, why have you got cotton in your ear? Is it infected? You look very pain," "No, sir, but you just told me everything my a ear went in one ear and out. so I am trying to stop it."

       翻译 耳朵

       “孩子,你为什么用棉花塞住耳朵?它感染了吗?” “没有,老师。可是你昨天说你告诉我的知识都是一个耳朵里进,一个耳朵里出,所以我要把它堵在里面。”

       2、 A MOLE, a creature blind from birth, once said to his Mother: "I am sure than I can see, Mother!" In the desire to prove to him his mistake, his Mother placed before him a few grains of frankincense, and asked, "What is it?' The young Mole said, "It is a pebble." His Mother exclaimed: "My son, I am afraid that you are not only blind, but that you have lost your sense of smell.


        翻译 传说鼹鼠的眼睛是瞎的,可小鼹鼠却对妈妈说他能看得见。妈想试验他一下,便拿来一 小块香喷喷的食物,放在他面前,并问他是什么。他说是一颗小石头。母亲说:“啊,不幸 的孩子,你不但眼睛看不见,连鼻子也没用了。” 这故事是说,那些爱吹牛说大话的人,常常夸海口能做大事,却在一些微不足道的事情 上暴露了本质。

       3. The New Teacher

        George comes from school on the first of September.

        "George, how did you like your new teacher?" asked his mother.

        "I didn\'t like her, Mother, because she said that three and three were six and then she said that two and four were six too....."

       翻译 新老师

        9月1日, 乔治放学回到家里。“乔治,你喜欢你们的新老师吗?" 妈妈问。 "妈妈,我不喜欢,因为她说3加3得6, 可后来又说2加4也得6 。”


       A speeding motorist was waved down by a police patrol car. “I'm going to give you a ticket for speeding,” said the policeman, writing his note. “You've been driving over 60 miles per hour.”

       “Would you mind making it 100, officer?” was the reply. “You see, I'm going to sell the car.”

       翻译 超速行驶



       5.The Thirsty Pigeon

       A PIGEON, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. Not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard, jarring herself terribly. Having broken her wings by the blow, she fell to the ground, and was caught by one of the bystanders.

       Zeal should not outrun discretion

       翻译 口渴的鸽子

       有只鸽子口渴得很难受,看见画板上画着一个水瓶,以为是真的。他立刻呼呼地猛飞过 去,不料一头碰撞在画板上,折断了翅膀,摔在地上,被人轻易地捉住了。


        6.A Good Boy

       Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?"

       "I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered.

       "You're a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?"

       "She is the one who sells the candy."

       翻译 好孩子



       “我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。 “你真是个好孩子,”妈妈骄傲地说。“再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?”





       Mr. Fox good greedy, back home in the evening, he began to a distant call: "wife, the wife, what's for dinner tonight?"

       Mrs. Fox said: "ah, today supper, eat chicken --"

       Mr. Fox a listen to, immediately ran very fast, "wife, a wife, I love you, I love to eat chicken."

       All the members of the vole's house heard it, they envy.

       The next day, Mr. Fox quickly got home, he called in the distance: "wife, the wife, what's for dinner tonight?"

       Mrs. Fox said: "today, dinner eat bacon --"

       Oh, delicious bacon ah. Mr. Fox ran up and running is really good.

       Mr Mole heard this, he began to think.

       "Hello, Mrs., did you hear what?" said the fox, "they have good food, our home for dinner?"

       "We ah, corn's for dinner tonight."

       "Corn, hum, corn, I support the family so hard, just give me to eat corn. Madam, I would like to eat chicken."

       "Let's home no chicken."

       "I would like to eat bacon."

       "We're not bacon."

       "Then let's to starve to death, nothing at all!"

       "No, we have corn, beans, cheese, bread crumbs,..."

       "Well, what are you listen to the fox's house to eat?"

       Rats leaving home angrily, his backpack is out of the door. He said to them, you wait, I'm going to find some roast chicken and bacon.

       Mr Voles, directly to the fox's house. He slipped into the door, and saw a very big a piece of bacon.

       Oh, it's so sweet, he ran forward quickly. And behold, suddenly be a catch the fox.

       "Ha ha, good fat rats." Mr And Mrs Fox said, "a la hora wele you to bee our family dinner tomorrow."

       On the third day, Mr. Fox will go out. When leaving the house, Mr. Fox and yelled, "madam, what's for dinner tonight --"

       "Dinner today, voles eat delicious..." Mrs. Fox said.

       Oh, rats wife heard this, she cried. Heard the little vole, wept also.

       Why Mr Voles so greedy, so not careful, he will bee the fox's dinner.

       How to do? How to do? Rats, think of a way to house of *** all rats were called out: "mom, today what's for dinner?"

       Vole wife happily, loudly say: "today the dinner, drink, milk cows -- --"

       Wow. That's to drink milk. Fox, fox heard this, they all shouted sodium lauryl sodium lauryl: "milk, I want to drink milk --"

       "Don't go to, we eat rats." Mr And Mrs Fox fox said.

       "Drink drink..." Little fox was was.

       "e quickly move milk, sweet and fragrant milk." Rats wife says.

       Mr And Mrs Fox fox decided to go out to grab some back. Them out of the door, Mrs Voles hurriedly rushed into the fox from a nearby home, dad saved the vole.

       Ah, voles dad, please, don't leave home hear good.

       Wife today to prepare dinner, you must eat it happily.


       There are three butterflies in the garden. One is red, one is yellow, one is white. Three good friends play together every day.

       One day, they are playing, suddenly began to rain. The three butterflies wings are wet with the rain, whole body shivered from the cold.

       Three little butterfly fly to the red and the red flower said: "safflower sister, let's fly to hide under your leaves shelter from the rain!"

       Red flower said: "red butterfly e in and other fast flies away!"

       Three good friends together shook his head: "we are good friends, e and go."

       They flew to the chrysanthemum and the yellow flower said: "the chrysanthemum sister, let's fly to hide under your leaves shelter from the rain!" Yellow flower said: "the yellow butterfly e in and other fast flies away!"

       Three good friends together shook his head: "we are good friends, e and go."

       Then they flew to the white and the white flower said: "the white lotus elder sister, let's fly to hide under your leaves shelter from the rain."

       But white also said: "the white butterfly e on in and other fast flies away!"

       The three good friends or together shook his head, the white flower said: "we are good friends, e and go."

       At this moment, the sun grandfather see, quickly drive away the clouds, called the rain to stop.

       The sun finally up, these three good friends and dancing in the flowers play games together.


       Squire name is jiang shang, also known as lu shang, is for novel, ji fa shang pletely. He didn't get the article Wang Chongyong, shaanxi WeiShui side a place in seclusion. There is zhou clan chang ***i.e., king wen of zhou*** rule of the region, he hopes to ji chang for his attention, and to establish a winner.

       Squire in the stream of hanging bell. Generally people fishing, are made with hook, it then has the bait of fragrance, and sink in the water, it lure the fish. But the squire's hook is straight, don't hang above the bait, don't sink into the water, and three feet high from the surface. He lifted the rods, and said to himself: "fish ah, don't want to live, if you like yourself take the bait!"

       One day, a firewood to stream, see too public not to put fishing bait the hook on the surface of the straight, then said to him: "the old man, fishing, like you in 100 also can't catch a fish!"

       Too public election for fishing rod, and said: "to be honest to you! 'I am not in order to catch fish, but in order to catch the king and hou!"









       The legend goes that a poor young man who lived with an old bull was leading a hard life. One day the bull told him that there were some weaver fairies bathing in the lake, and that if he could steal their clothes,?he could have one of them as his wife. 传说一个贫穷的年轻人和一头老牛住在一起,生活很困苦。一天,老牛告诉他,有一些天界织女来到湖中洗澡,假如他能偷走她们的衣服,他便可以娶她们中的一个为妻。

       Another night before the fairies came, the cowboy hid in the reeds. When the fairies came to take a bath, they left their clothes at the lakeside. The cowboy found that the youngest fairy was so beautiful that he fell in love with her at first sight. He secretly took away her heavenly clothes while she was bathing. When the fairies finished bathing, they put on their clothes and flew away. But the youngest fairy was left behind because she had no clothes to wear, and without these heavenly clothes she couldn’t fly. 另一日夜晚,在织女们到来之前,牛郎就躲在了芦苇丛中。当织女们来洗澡时,便把衣服留在了湖边。牛郎发现最小的织女非常美丽,第一眼就爱上了她。在她洗澡时,他偷偷地拿走了她的天衣。织女们洗完澡,穿上衣服飞走了。但是最小的织女却被落在了后面,因为她没有天衣,而没有天衣她就不能飞。

       The cowboy offered to help the fairy. She thought the young man was so kind, and fell in love with him too. Though later the cowboy told her the truth, she was understanding and?sympathetic, and wanted to marry the cowboy.


       The weaver fairy could make very beautiful clothes of high quality, which made their life better and better. They were happy and later the fairy gave birth to one boy and one girl. They were the perfect family.


       However, before long the "heaven" found out about this. How could a fairy marry a human? That was forbidden in the world. The fairy's father and mother who were the king and the queen of heaven wouldn’t allow this, and sent out a team to get her back by force.


       The cowboy was chasing after the team that caught his wife, the weaver fairy. When he almost reached them, in order to stop him, the weaver's mum, who was the goddess queen of heaven, took off her hairpin and used it to draw out a milky river between them and the cowboy. The sad cowboy had no choice and watched the weaver fairy taken back to heaven against her will.


       After that they missed each other so much that the fairy cried each day and would rather die. Finally the queen and the king softened their hearts and agreed that the young couple could get together once a year on July 7th.


       So on that night the birds called magpies would fly above the Galaxy and make up a "bridge" for them. The cowboy would take their children walking over the bridge and meet the weaver fairy in the middle.


       n fact the "cowboy" and the "weaver" in the myth are two bright stars on each side of the Milky Way, while the bull is a constellation in the sky we can see at?night. Every year on Qixi, people (mostly women) celebrate the festival and pray to the fairy wishing to have better skills in tailoring and also to gain some luck in love.
































       One year in the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a serious famine in I-Jenan.


       One night, a thief sneaked into Chen Shi’s house and hid himself on the beam. When Chen Shiwas aware of this, he got out of bed without haste, called his children and grandchildren to hisroom and said in a stern voice:


       One must always restrain and encourage oneself no matter under what circumstances. Badmen were not born bad. It is only bee they don’t restrain themselves that they developbad habits and turn bad gradually. That gentleman on the beam is just a case in point.


       Much ashamed upon hearing this, the thief hiding on the beam promptly jumped down to theground, kowtowed and begged for forgiveness.


       Chen Shi enlightened him by saying:


       Judging from your appearance, you don’t look like a bad man. Perhaps you are driven bypoverty to steal. But you should carefully examine yourself and turn over a new leaf.


       Then he immediately asked someone to bring two bolts of white silk to give the thief as apresent. The thief kowtowed and thanked him repeatedly.


       Since then, very few thefts occurred in this locality.



       A long time ago, in Henan there was a young man named Le whose family was very poor.


       One day, Le Yangzi picked up a piece of gold on the road.


       He happily took it home and gave it to his wife.


       His wife said in all seriousness:


       "I heard that men with aspiration do not drink from the Dao meaning steal in Chinese Spring,and honest men do not take handout food.


       Furthermore, picked-up money and things will stain one's moral character."


       Hearing this, Yangzi was very ashamed of himself.


       So he threw the piece of gold away in the open field.


       This incident touched Le Yangzi deeply.


       He made up his mind to leave home and go to a faraway place to study under a master.


       One year later, Le Yangzi returned home.


       His wife inquired why he returned so soon. Le Yangzi *** iled and said:


       "There is no other reason except that I, being all alone away from home, miss you so muchthat I e back."


       His wife turned pale at his words.


       She took up a knife, ran to the silk loom, put the knife on the silk fabric woven from naturalsilk, and said to Le Yangzi in an agitated tone:


       "I reeled silk strand by strand from cocoons and, with the shuttle moving to and fro, weaved itinch by inch into this bolt of silk fabric.


       Now if I should cut the fabric with the knife, all the previous efforts and time I've devotedwould be wasted.


       While studying, you should always remind yourself that there is yet much more to learn.


       Only in this way can you cultivate a noble moral character.


       If you give up halfway, it will be just like cutting up this silk fabric at one stroke."


       Deeply moved by his wife's words, Le Yangzi bid farewell to her at once, went to the farawayplace, and made determined efforts to study hard.


       He had been away from home for a good seven years, and finally succeeded in his studies.



       In the Jin Dynasty, there lived a man named Zhou Chu in Yixing.


       Tough and fierce and fond of fighting in his youth, Zhou Chu was a big scourge in the county.


       At the time, there was a ferocious dragon in the river and a fierce tiger in the mountain inYixing, which often injured and devoured people.


       Therefore, the people classed them together with Zhou Chu as "the three evils".Among them,Zhou Chu did the most harm.


       Later, someone instigated Zhou Chu to go to the mountain to kill the fierce tiger, and to theriver to behead the ferocious dragon, in the hope of getting rid of two evils, leaving only one.


       Zhou Chu went to the mountain alone, and sure enough, he killed the tiger. Then he jumpedinto the river and fought with the dragon.


       The evil dragon turned up and down, and went down for tens of li with Zhou Chu chasingclosely after it.


       After three days and nights, the people all thought that Zhou Chu had died.


       They were jubilant and congratulated one another.


       To their surprise, Zhou Chu had actually killed the dragon, went out of the water and returned.


       Upon hearing that his county folk celebrated his death, Zhou Chu came to realize that he wasconsidered one of the evils of Yixing.


       He thus made his decision to mend his ways.


       Thereupon, he went to Wu prefecture to seek the advice of the two noted brothers, Lu Ji andLu Yun.


       When Zhou Chu came to the Lu's home, Lu Ji was out and he met Lu Yun.


       He told Lu Yun the truth and expressed his wish to correct his faults and make a fresh start,but he was afraid that he was too old to acplish anything.


       Lu Yun encouraged him by saying:"The ancients would be gratified even if they came tothoroughly understand the truth in the early morning but died at night, let alone you with apromising future.


       Besides, so far as a man is concerned, the fearful thing is to have no aspiration.


       Why worry that you will achieve neither merit nor fame?"


       Since then, Zhou Chu quickly and pletely corrected his faults and made efforts for progress.


       The tale of "Zhou Chu Getting Rid of the Evils" has been handed down to this very day.



关于优秀的英语故事短文:Woman Shot

        A woman decorating her Christmas tree Monday was shot in her left arm when a bullet went through her living room window. Police said the incident occurred about 5:00 p.m. A .22 caliber shell casing was found across the street from the victim's home. Police did not find a weapon in the vicinity.

        Mrs. Wilma Johnson was treated at a local hospital and allowed to go home. A hospital spokesman said she should recover nicely. She is in her late 50s, divorced, and living with Bob, the older of her two adult sons. Bob wasn?t home at the time of the shooting.

        Police will patrol the area more frequently as a result of this shooting. They don't know if the shooting was intentional or accidental. They are asking the public to help if they know anything. They interviewed the neighbors. One neighbor said he heard a gunshot, but in this neighborhood, he said, he was used to hearing gunshots.

        The police also questioned Mrs. Johnson?s ex-husband, Joe, who lives three blocks away. Joe said if he was going to shoot at his ex-wife, he?d make sure he shot her in her butt. ?That?s a target you could hit from a mile away,? he laughed. Despite such remarks, the police spokesperson said Joe is not a suspect at this time.

关于优秀的英语故事短文:The Way to a Man?s Heart

        Lina often asked Luke to dinner. Lina loved Luke, but Luke loved Lina?s cooking, not Lina herself. Lina accepted that for the time being. But she felt that, with enough meals and enough time, she would get her man.

        Luke rarely stayed more than ten minutes past the last bite of dessert. Lina would ask Luke if he wanted to watch TV, or play cards or chess, or take a walk around the neighborhood, but Luke always declined. He always said, ?I?ve got to go.? They both knew that Luke didn?t have to go anywhere. All he ever did was go back to his apartment and read books or go online.

        Tonight was probably going to be more of the same. But Lina was a patient woman. She loved to cook, and she loved to watch people eat her cooking. Tonight she prepared shrimp, fresh green beans, mashed potatoes, and asparagus. Luke ate everything with gusto. Then she brought out her homemade cheesecake with vanilla ice cream for dessert.

        Luke asked, ?Are you trying to fatten me up for something? Every time I come over here, I have to eat celery and lettuce for a week to get back down to my normal weight.?

        ?Oh, stop exaggerating,? Lina replied. ?You enjoy every mouthful.?

        ?You?re right. I apologize. I love your cooking, and if you didn?t invite me over here, I?d be hurt and hungry.?

        Lina watched contentedly as Luke devoured the cheesecake and ice cream. Someday, she thought, I will be his dessert.

关于优秀的英语故事短文:The Final Phone Call

        ?But I love you so much,? she said. ?I think I must be crazy. I can?t stop thinking about you. I want to be with you all the time. I want to marry you.?

        ?Maybe you are a little crazy,? he said. ?Although I think that?s part of being in love. But you hardly know me. I like you, but I?m not in love with you. I don?t think I could ever be in love with you.?

        ?Why not?

        ?I don?t know,? he lied. ?You?re not my type.?

        ?I?m not your type,? she repeated. ?What is your type? A woman with no wrinkles and a perfect body? A woman who is beautiful even when she wakes up? A movie star? Is that your type?

        ?No, of course not,? he lied again. ?I don?t know. I?m like everybody else?you?re either attracted to a certain person or you?re not.?

        ?So you?re not attracted to me?

        ?Well, I didn?t say that,? he lied a third time.

        ?I?m making a fool of myself. You might even be laughing at me. You don?t love me. You just said that you never could love me.?

        ?No, I said I could never be IN love with you,? he said.

        ?Love, in love.? What difference does it make any more? I apologize. It was nice of you to put up with me. Please forgive me for making a fool of myself and for bothering you. I will never call you again. I must try to forget you now. I am dropping out of school tomorrow; I can?t go there without thinking of you. My heart is so sad.?

        She hung up. Alan walked outside. What was he supposed to do? He liked her, but he certainly didn?t love her. Lead her on with lies, or tell her the truth now?

        There was a beautiful full moon. But he felt sad. He knew that Natalie was probably crying right now. She must be so lonely.
