



3.英语励志美文短篇100字 励志英语书籍欣赏


5.经典英语美文欣赏50篇 [关于道德的英语美文欣赏]





第一篇:Youth 青春

第二篇: Three Days to See(Excerpts)假如给我三天光明(节选)

第三篇:Companionship of Books 以书为伴(节选)

第四篇:If I Rest, I Rust 如果我休息,我就会生锈

第五篇:Ambition 抱负

第六篇:What I have Lived for 我为何而生

第七篇:When Love Beckons You 爱的召唤

第八篇:The Road to Success 成功之道

第九篇:On Meeting the Celebrated 论见名人

第十篇:The 50-Percent Theory of Life 生活理论半对半

第十一篇:What is Your Recovery Rate? 你的恢复速率是多少?

第十二篇:Clear Your Mental Space 清理心灵的空间

第十三篇:Be Happy 快乐

第十四篇:The Goodness of life 生命的美好

第十五篇:Facing the Enemies Within 直面内在的敌人

第十六篇:Abundance is a Life Style 富足的生活方式

第十七篇:Human Life a Poem 人生如诗

第十八篇:Solitude 独处

第十九篇:Giving Life Meaning 给生命以意义

第二十篇:Relish the Moment 品位现在

第二十一篇:The Love of Beauty 爱美

第二十二篇:The Happy Door 快乐之门

第二十三篇:Born to Win 生而为赢

第二十四篇:Work and Pleasure 工作和娱乐

第二十五篇:Mirror, Mirror--What do I see镜子,镜子,告诉我

第二十六篇:On Motes and Beams 微尘与栋梁

第二十七篇:An October Sunrise 十月的日出

第二十八篇:To Be or Not to Be 生存还是毁灭

第二十九篇:Gettysburg Address 葛底斯堡演说

第三十篇:First Inaugural Address(Excerpts) 就职演讲(节选)

       这是(英语背诵美文30篇 ic at the park, go to the beach, do crafts, board games, fly a kite, make art, bake cookies ? I could list a hundred things, and you could come up with a few hundred more. Make a list of simple pleasures, and enjoy them to the maximum. This is the key to the whole idea of enjoying life now without spending tomorrow's dollar. See Savor the Little Things .

        Make simplifying fun. I'm a big fan of simplifying my life, from decluttering to creating a simple lifestyle in every way. And to me, this is great fun. I get rid of stuff (and possibly make money selling it) and have a blast doing it. That?s good math.

        Rediscover what?s important. Oftentimes we spend tons of money, shopping, going out, watching movies, eating out ? without really enjoying life. And when we stop to think about it, we never have time for the things we really want to do. Well, that's probably because your life is filled with things that aren't very important to you. Instead, step back and really think about what?s important to you. Then get rid of the other (expensive) stuff, and focus on what's important. Listen to some stuff on my list: my wife and kids, other friends and family, reading, writing, exercising, volunteering, spending quiet time in contemplation. Guess how many of those things cost a lot of money? Read more here .

        Make people a priority. This is related to the above point, but I thought I'd give it a little more emphasis. If you give "stuff" a priority ? stuff like gadgets, nice furnishings, nice clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc. ? then you will spend a lot of money. But if you make people a priority ? the people you love most, you close friends and family ? you don't need to spend a dime to enjoy life. Make some time to visit with friends, or your parents ? and have a conversation with them that doesn't involve eating out or going to the movies. Just sit, have some iced tea or hot cocoa (depending on the weather), and talk. Tell jokes and laugh your heads off. Talk about books you've read, movies you?ve watched, new things going on in your life, your hopes and dreams. And make time for your kids or your significant other ? really spend time with them, doing things that don't cost money. (See Spend Time with Family and Loved Ones , 100 Ways to Have Fun With Your Kids and 50 Ways to Be Romantic on the Cheap .)

        Find time for yourself. Make time every day, and every week, to spend time alone. It really gives more meaning and enjoyment to your life, rather than rushing through life with no time to think, to breathe. For ideas on how to make this time, see these ways to create time for solitude .

        Sometimes, splurge. You shouldn't restrict yourself from expensive pleasures all the time ? it's not good to develop the feeling of deprivation. To prevent that, once in awhile, buy yourself something ? or better yet, give yourself a decadent treat. I love things with dark chocolate or berries. Crepes with ice cream and berries are one of my favorites. Just don't go overboard ? and learn to enjoy the splurge to the fullest. If you truly take the time to enjoy a treat, you don't need a lot of it.

        Track your successes. It doesn't really matter how you track your success ? you can use gold stars for creating a new simplifying or frugalfying habit, or a spreadsheet chart to track your decreasing debt and increasing savings or investments. Tracking is a great way to not only provide motivation, but make the process of changing fun.

        Reward yourself. And in order to make it more fun, celebrate every little success! Set rewards for yourself (hopefully not too expensive!) along your path to success ? celebrate one day, two days, three days, a week, two weeks, three, a month ? you get the idea.

        Volunteer. One of the most rewarding things for my family has been when we have managed to volunteer. It's actually something we only started doing last year, but since then, we've done it a bunch of times in a number of different ways. And while it doesn't cost a dime, it is tremendously satisfying in ways that money could never buy. Read more .

        Live in the moment. Learn to think not so much about the past or future, but about what you are going through right now. Be present. It may seem trite, but it's the key to enjoying life to the fullest ? without having to spend money. Think about it ? you can spend money on eating out, but if you are not really thinking about what you're eating, you may not enjoy it much at all. But if you cook a simple but delicious meal, and really taste every bite, it can be tremendously enjoyable without costing a lot. Read more .

        Slow down. In the same way, you can't really enjoy life to the fullest if it's rushing past you like it's on fast forward. Ever think about how quickly a week, a month, or a year goes by? Perhaps you're in the fast lane too much. Try slowing down, and things will be less stressful and more enjoyable. Drive slower , eat slower , live slower .

        Learn to find cheap, cool stuff. Call me crazy, but I love shopping at thrift stores. You can find so many cool things there, and it costs so little. Garage sales are the same way. Or check out Freecycle , or read 20 Ways to Find Free or Cheap Books .


        Happiness is a Choice

        "Happiness, like unHappiness, is a proactive choice." - Stephen Covey

        We want it. We strive for it. We envy others who have it. We can see it just beyond the horizon ?as soon as we get richer, thinner, married, divorced, younger, older, find a dream job, or quit a lousy one.

        Yet, how many people do you know who ?have everything? and still yearn for true happiness? The kind of happiness I'm talking about is that kind that comes from within and is not based on status, position, wealth, or possessions. It's a natural resource that is readily available to all. Happiness is a choice.

        It had previously been thought that the brain is unchanged by life experiences. Recent breakthroughs in psychology, neurology, and chemistry have revealed that Happiness is attainable, and the brain can actually change as a result of conscious selection of thoughts.

        Experts in the field have given Happiness a nickname -- ?subjective well-being.? One person's Hell may be Paradise for another. For example, bungee jumping would be sheer torture for me to endure. For a thrill-seeker friend of mine, this activity represents ultimate joy. Clearly our set points are based on different subjective criteria.

        Each of us is born with a genetically coded happiness ?set point? which is not based entirely on what happens to us. This explains why some people are naturally cheerful most of the time, while others walk around with a permanent scowl on their faces ? determined in part by their genetic predisposition. However, according to University of Minnesota professor emeritus of psychology David Lykken, ?Happiness is genetically influenced, although it is not genetically fixed. The brain's structure can be modified through practice. If you really want to be happier than your grandparents provided for in your genes, you have to learn the kinds of things you can do, day by day, to bounce your set point up and avoid the things that bounce it down.?

        A study conducted with identical twins raised in different environments suggests that an individual's set point determines about 50% of their disposition to Happiness. In other words, some people are happy , regardless of their less-than-ideal circumstances, while others are unhappy , even when they seem to ?have it all.?

        According to Ed Diener, a professor of psychology at the University of Illinois and coeditor of the Journal of Happiness Studies , a number of tools can be used to raise subjective well-being. Here are some examples:

        Getting enough sleep

        Getting enough exercise

        Nurturing close relationships -- connection, physical touch

        Maintaining an optimistic outlook ? choosing positive thoughts

        Keeping a gratitude journal

        Forgiving others and letting go

        Utilizing signature strengths (honesty, kindness, ingenuity, love of learning, etc.) in service of something larger than yourself

        Acting happy by changing your physiology -- Put on a happy smile!


        *meditation is a very effective way to change subjective well-being. Richard Davidson, professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin, found in his research that high levels of activity at the left frontal area of the cerebral cortex coincided with feelings of Happiness, joy, and alertness. Activity on the right frontal area corresponded to feelings of sadness, anxiety, and worry. Since meditation generates more left-brain activity, studies have concluded that it offers a way to produce more positive emotion.

        Even in the midst of hardship, one can experience simple pleasures by using some of the tools listed above.


        14 Timeless Ways to Live a Happy Life

        How we achieve Happiness can be different for each one of us. Our passions, expectations, life experiences, and even our personalities all contribute to the level of happiness we experience in our lives. Some find Happiness in their careers while others prefer the bliss found in their marriages or other intimate relationship.

        No matter how you define happiness for yourself, there are certain universal and time-proven strategies to bring, and sustain, more happiness into your life. The following 14 ways to live a happy life can be adapted and even customized to fit your needs. Over time, these strategies will become positive and life-changing habits that will begin to bring more Happiness, joy and peace into your life.

        1. Notice What?s Right

        Some of us see the glass as being half-full, while others see the glass as half-empty. The next time you are caught in traffic, begin thinking how nice it is to have a few moments to reflect on the day, focus on a problem you have been trying to solve, or brainstorm on your next big idea. The next time you get in the slow line at the grocery store, take the opportunity to pick up a tabloid magazine and do some ?guilty pleasure? reading. Take all that life throws out you and reframe it with what?s right about the situation. At the end of the day, you will more content, at peace and happy. Take the time to begin to notice what?s right and see the world change in front of your eyes.

        2. Be Grateful

        How many times do you say the words ?thank you,? in a day? How many times do you hear these same words? If you are doing the first thing, saying the ?thank yous,? the latter will naturally happen. Learn to be grateful and you will be open to receive an abundance of joy and Happiness.

        3. Remember the Kid You Were

        Do you remember how to play? I?m not referring to playing a round of golf or a set of tennis. I?m talking about playing like you did when you were a child ? a game of tag; leap frog, or street baseball when the bat is a broken broom handle and the bases are the parked cars. One way to find or maintain your Happiness is to remember the kid you were and play!

        4. Be Kind

        There is no question that by merely watching acts of kindness creates a significant elevation in our moods and increases the desire for us to perform good deeds as well. Kindness is indeed contagious and when we make a commitment to be kind to ourselves and to others we can experience new heights of joy, Happiness and enthusiasm for our lives.

        5. Spend Time with Your Friends

        Although an abundant social and romantic life does not itself guarantee joy, it does have a huge impact on our Happiness. Learn to spend time with your friends and make the friendships a priority in your life.

        6. Savor Every Moment

        To be in the moment is to live in the moment. Too often we are thinking ahead or looking ahead to the next event or circumstance in our lives, not appreciating the ?here and now.? When we savor every moment, we are savoring the Happiness in our lives.

        7. Rest

        There are times when we need the time to unwind, decompress, or to put it simply, just ?to chill.? life comes at all of us hard and fast. Time, as do the days on the calendar, keeps going forward at its own natural pace, which is not always the pace we would choose. Fatigue, stress and exhaustion may begin to settle in on us faster than we may think, or notice. The best remedy for this is indeed rest.

        8. Move!

        The expression a ?runner?s high? does not infer an addiction, but a feeling or a state of mind - a state of euphoria. There is no question exercise, or any physical exertion, elevates your mood and enhances a more positive attitude as well as fosters better personal self-esteem and confidence. Indeed, one way to increase your Happiness is to move!

        9. Put on a Happy Face

        Sometimes we have to fake it until we make it. I?m not suggesting that we not be honest, real or authentic, but I?m suggesting, sometimes, we just need to put on a happy face and keep moving forward. Researchers claim that smiling and looking like we are happy will indeed make us happier. Studies further show that if we act like we are happy then we can experience greater joy and Happiness in our lives.

        10. Pursue Your goals

        The absence of goals in our lives, or more specifically avoiding to pursue our goals, makes us feel like we are stuck and ineffective. The pursuit of goals in our personal lives, in our relationships, or with our careers, is the difference between having a mediocre life or a life full of passion and enthusiasm. pursue your goals and watch your Happiness soar.

        11. Finding Your Calling

        Some find meaning in religion or spirituality while others find purpose in their work or relationships. Finding your calling may be much more than accomplishing one simple strategy for increasing your Happiness, but having a sense of purpose ? of feeling like you are here for a reason ? can perhaps bring the greatest joy of all

        12. Get into the Flow

        Flow is the form of joy, excitement and happiness that occurs when we are so absorbed in an activity we love that we can loose ourselves and time seems to stand still. What creates flow is unique to each one of us. To find and sustain true Happiness in our lives, we must get off the sidelines and get into the flow.

        13. Play to Your Strengths

        One way to achieve flow is by understanding and identifying our strengths and core values, and then begin to use these every day. Once we aware of our strengths and we begin to play to your strengths we can better incorporate them in all aspects of our lives.

        14. Don?t Overdo It

        Know when to say when. What gives you joy and Happiness the first time may not work the second time. Too much of a good thing may begin not to feel as good if the ?thing? becomes more of a routine, or an expectation. Set healthy and reasonable boundaries for yourself and don?t overdo it.
